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09-26 09:43 AM
I jus send the mail to editor...
I've also send the link to businessweek and Nytimes..where they have written it correctly...

This is nicely being played by big lawyers. They used us for demostration and converted the propaganda to media as it is for H1B . Profitablity is more on new H1B

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07-12 08:54 PM

Somebody with Nov05 PD tried to renew EAD and was given a 3 month EAD.......

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02-18 10:56 AM
retrohatao willgetgc2005 wam4wam & stirGC,

Thank You for your input. This is very helpful to highlight the name check problem. The problem description and proposed solution by retrohatao are very good. However, just allow me to share a bigger picture. There is no difference between any issue is being categorized by someone to be a sub-issue or if an issue is categorized as main issue. What is important is that the issue is being addressed ....

willgetgc2005, just so that you know, I am also stuck in name check since June-04 and my 485 is pending since Oct-03. Just like you, this issue directly affects me. No doubt this is a very important issue. As berkeleybee mentioned, this is being addressed and communicated to the lawmakers and CA team did an excellent job in making the presentation to the lawmakers.

Even though name check delay issue directly affects people like you and me, know that this is not the only important issue. The point is, many people only care about getting to the next stage of GC process. If someone's labor is stuck, that group thinks that labor certification clearance should be the top priority. If someone's 140 got rejected, then that issue should be the only issue on IV's agenda. If someone is not able to apply for 485, then that person wants to make that as the top priority. If someone is a PHD, then that person wants the top agenda should be to get GC to the guy who has PHD and the argument presented to us is - don't you get it, I am a "PHD". The other day there was a group of people including techworker_tn1, helpful_leo etc who wanted to form their own group for PHDs. And now, if someone's name check is delayed, then we say that everybody will have to go through it sometime in the later stage, so this issue should be on the fore-front of the list of issues.

I am slightly perplexed by the behavior of some members who seems to indicate that we are in some sort of race with one another. And these members seem to send out a message that says - if their issue is not listed as top priority goal then all other issues that IV is working to resolve or all the work being done by IV is worthless. I am slightly disturbed to read posts like the one from wam4wam which says that he/she hopes that bill is not passed till his/her name check is cleared.

This is a sincere request to everybody. If all that we think about is 'what's in it for me', then we cannot find commonality among ourselves. And thus no progress is possible. Know that with this thought process, nothing will happen.

IV is an organization made by people like you and me. If everybody's objective is to get to the next stage of green card process, know that we are not behaving like matured and "educated" class that we all claim to belong. Just reaching the next stage of the process is something like looking for instant gratification which actually doesn't help the cause or the complete green card process.

Most humbly, I would like to request you to post your experiences with how many people you have communicated about the efforts of IV? How many people you have convinced to join IV? What is the success rate? Were you able to persuade the people to contribute for this cause? Those things will help more than anything else. If IV is bigger and stronger, we can together address each and every issue. Ask yourself, how is it possible to continue to include more agendas and not come up with more helping hands and more resources and expect to succeed?

If you do not see a favorable post or see a post that doesn't contain something that you want to hear, please do not infer that nobody cares or as if no one is doing anything. That post may just express somebody's opinion. I must mention that everybody wants their agenda to be pushed to the top. If there is some sort of a debate from others in the forum, I see that group of people starts backing off and starts posting messages to communicate as if this forum or IV is not doing what it should; Or some people start posting messageas hoping that bill will not pass if their agenda is not addressed.....and on and on. Please let me share that this doesn't help anybody.

retrohato, Would you like to take the lead on making name check to the forefront and address it in every possible manner? IV needs sincere people like you who can spend time to do each task. We have very good ideas on how to approach this issue and find a solution to this issue. If you could please take the lead on this issue, know that name check is top priority of IV. I would request you to please call us at anytime convenient for you and express that you would like to work on this issue. We need people who are ready to take ownership of issues and are ready to deliver. Would you like to join this effort actively?

Just so that everybody know, Immigration Voice could include 'World Peace' as one of the agenda items. But just including something as Goal doesn't mean that it can be achieved. To achieve anything that is listed as goals or to meaningfully add anything to the goals we need more serious people and more resources. If you are interested to actively contribute, please call us and we will connect you to the larger group of people to team-up the work for this issue. It is ok if you are not able to participate actively. It would help if you could please encourage others to take up the responsibility. Just because people are not agreeing with you, posting negative or discouraging messages will not help anybody.

America is a great nation. That is why we want to stay here and want our GC sooner. JFK once said that 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'. One of the reasons why America is Great is because of the people of this great nation delivered what JFK said. We all could learn from this and before making any claim to being part of the American fabric or before claiming to be from "educated" class, maybe we need to stop behaving in way that only sends out the message 'what's in it for me'.

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04-22 04:11 PM
First we would like to thank you everyone who took some time off on Saturday evening and attended the event in San Jose. We also thanks Jay who came to San Jose to attend this event from Reno. The event took approximatly one and half to two hour. Majority of the People from our community left after 45 to 60 minutes. Very few people had stayed for the entire event.

There are some members who were upset and had made statements on this forum saying that the entire event was for illegal immigrants and they don't know why they went. Please note that the STRIVE ACT does not have only our provisions. The STRIVE ACT is 700+ page bill and there are several provision for other immigrant community. It will be unfair if we expect every senator and congressman to mention legal immigration whenever they are giving a speech. If the senator or congressman does not say anything about the legal immigration in their speech, that does not mean that they does not support us. Immigration Voice core group is requesting everyone to be polite and have patience.

After the event was over (as per the plan) myself and Jay got an opportunity to speak with Congressman Gutierrez. Congressman and his Deputy Chief of Staff have asked us to convey to everyone that they appretiate the effort that all our members took by making themselves available for this event. Congressman have told us that he fully support legal immigration and his bill will solve the issues that we are facing.


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08-27 12:20 PM
Also, don't you think that 20000 CP numbers would be included in the monthly numbers or are the monthly numbers just AOS numbers?

There are few issues

You have missed 20k annual CP cases
The acceptance rate of I-485 application (big unknow) would change the number a lot.

July was a slow month but August was big mover so 11k visa is just too low for this period.

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09-13 10:06 AM
Come To Washington!! It's Now Or Never!!!


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02-01 11:38 AM
Looks like there is now an increasing awareness of how Desi Consulting companies are bringing in a bad name to the entire desi population in this country.

Found this email from Google H-1B Group: from
infoprovider_ 2 at yahoo dot com.

I would like to inform you about the large scale fraud going in the
technology world today in USA. I know of many small-mid sized IT
consultancies in US, which are founded by Indians. They recruit people
(1) with degrees from various fields, most of the candidates recruited
don't ever have any experience in computers. They train them in some
tools (2) and change the resume totally (3), someone who has knowledge
relevant to the job takes the interview instead of the actual candidate
and they get placed. Ironically, even though these jobs advertisements
say that around 5 years of experience is required, usually someone with
not so high aptitude and limited trainig in that parituclar tool (2)
can manage to sustain in that position, this is very real, these jobs
can be done that way. They manage to get jobs in the biggest of US
companies (4).

This consultancy fraud is know to almost every Indian working in the
technology sector. The consultancies almost don't take any one other
than from India and surronding countires like Bangladesh, Srilanka. 99%
of those i have seen are from India and the remaining 1% from
Bangladesh, Srilanka etc.

How many are doing this?
I believe there would be atleast a few thousands of consultancies.
Wanna find them? SOme of them advertise in Indian content sites such as Look at the right hand side of the page

Who is loosing due to this.
If this jobs can be done by someone with no experience in that
technology, can't these be done by those americans who have a better
experience (say 2 years or even 1 year), these folks work sincerely and
go with correct resumes get X dollars where as the fraudsters get 3X -
5X dollars.

I don't say that every one from India are doing this. But a significant
many are doing this. I know around 30 people working in US in
technology sector. Over 20 are working this way. I can confidently say
hundreds of thousands are doing this today and each year at least 50000
(from student pool, dependents pool, directly coming to the
consultancies as H1b workers from India) are joining them. Also, I am
talking about the small to mid sized (1- 1000 people) consultancies not
the big Indian consultancies such as Infosys and TCS.

A lot of things can be done. But the simple thing that's easy to
implement by the americans and thus not impede their productivity by
spending too much resources in verifying the authenticity is this
Let the INS provide the details of the H1b holders to the companies
when asked by the companies only (this is similar to letting others
e.g., housing provider, know about one's credit history). So, with the
applicants SSN the companies can see the basic information like when
the applicant has got his H1b approved and the resume submitted by the
applicant with his H1b application (usually not many applicants give a
very wrong resume to the INS while applying for the H1b). This
eliminates almost all the cases of fraudsters (since they can't come to
US today, one or two years ago and say that I have been working here
for 5 years). This is one simple solution, easy to implement.
There are many othere solutions

(1) Whom do they usually recruit

Thousands of students come from India every year to pursue Masters
degree. They come to pursue Master's in various fields, the fields in
which they have done their bachelor's back in India. Only about a
quarter of them manage to get jobs in the fields in which they have
done their Master's as direct employees of the companies. The remaining
join these consultancies as they can easily get jobs through the

Dependents, mostly those who come as spouses (coming as wives). They
might have done some bachelors degree or Masters back in India in some
field. Many of them not in computers. They don't have any experience
there. They can easily be placed by the consultancies.

SOme others pay these consultancies for sponsoring H1b visa. Typically
the consultancies take the fee required for teh application and the
lawyer fee (usually USD 2500-USD3000) . SOme of these cases are those
with experience in IT in India. But significant number of the remaining
are not experienced. Recently I have seen people who have been to other
countries for their studies like Australia and Europe coming through
the consultancies this way. Even most of these guys have no experience
in IT, most experience in no field.

(2) Which technologies they work in
I have seen that the technologies they work in are in which the pay
rates are high (because of lack of skillful people) like SAP,
DataWarehousing tools. They also work in other fields like Testing etc.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs in these fields.

(3) How much is the resume changed
They change the resume totally. Every resume says the person has worked
in US for over 4 years, doesn't matter if it is someone who came for
masters to US an year or two years ago or someone who very recently
came as a wife to someone.
All most everyone's resumes have over 5 years experience where as in
reality almost everyone don't have that much experience. If someone has
that much experience they wouldn't go through these consultants who
take a big fraction of the pay they get from the clients.

Can't it be detected?
No, in most cases its hard (expensive) for the recruiters (the clients)
to find the authenticity of the resumes submitted. There is no proof
that these resumes are authentic. Just in case some references are
needed the consultancies give a dummy reference, and some phone number
(they can ask some contacts, their acquiantainces working in some
companies to take the call,if at all they feel that the client will
find out from the phone number which company does this phone number
belongs to, but most of the client companies don't go that far too, so
a guy's mobile number who is working in the consultancy itself can be
given as referencees contact number). It is hard to remember the voice
by the interviewer after a few days of the intrview and usually these
candidates join at least after a week after taking the interview (even
if the candidate joins in 3 days, its hard to remember the voice as the
interviewer usually interacts with many people (particularly they being
in team lead or managerial positions)

(4) I personally know people working in Microsoft, IBM, TEK systems,
Cingular, Amazon, Accenture, Citigroup etc. This says such people are
working in almost every technology company in USA
So then, how is an American, like me, who spent tens of thousands of
dollars to get thru 3 yrs. in a technical school that ended with a
Bachelor degree in Science with Computer Information Systems, with
honors, supposed to get a job in the IT community while these
fraudulent (most likely illegal alien Indians) take the positions away
from me? I worked my a$$ off studying hard, working hard, worked at
the school, even took an extra course study in computer hardware
configurations, and STILL, these IT companies DON'T want to even speak
to me because they OUTSOURCE from these FRAUDS! How FAIR is

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07-05 12:27 PM
So many more places to go to on the internet and get free info and free forums to post on that making this one a paid members only forum would ensure you and a handful of others like you will be best friends posting and viewing on here by yourselves. At least it'll last for a couple of years, you know, longer than a western marriage because you're bound to be waiting considering the USCIS snail work pace. This forum should stay free so everyone can have access to it and be able to communicate with others in similar situations. If one feels like they can/want to contribute for whatever reason, it should be of their own choosing. I just joined so I don't have that sense of gratefulness that longer term posters have but I can see how that could change after being here for a while.

I agree that you can get free information any where on the internet. But what about the main goal of getting funds? Do we care about the main agenda behind this website? Are we doing any thing to do our part by contributing? You only get very succinct info on murthy chat and khanna phone calls. You might get more info on their fourms. They are running those forums not only for community sake but also to get "invaluable" publicity that makes them "the name" in immigration. I got an answer on Murthy forum/Khanna forum indirectly translates into name/fame for the attorneys, which means more business for them. I got an answer on IV neither directly nor inidrectly translates into what??? Nothing.. As long as we tell ourselves that we get info for free, google is our friend, We are just substantiating our thoughts on "How NOT to pay". Nothing else.


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01-16 04:14 PM
283 members online and look at what we got from a monthly contributions. This forum doesn't even have members who can contributr 20$ monthly and call themeselves High Skilled Immigrants !

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02-15 04:59 PM
Well, US government thinks otherwise about my (or USCIS') logic. If you think it is unfair, you can sue them. I won't stop you.

US government thinks that Indians and Chinese don't mix up with other races. Are u on drugs ??????????????????:mad:


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01-18 02:05 PM
Hi Go_Gc_Way

Can you please modify the AD content.

Immigration voice is a non-profit 501 (c) (4) (pending) organization. All of Immigration Voice�s financial transactions will be audited by a CPA, submitted to the IRS.(please remove pending,we are approved)

Members from 6000 to 8000.

Content, content updated. Please verify and let me know.

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07-24 01:22 AM
is she using her own FAQ? USCIS FAQ has different question at Q9.

Yes this is the lawyer's own FAQ i was referring to.


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11-21 08:36 PM
- Is it possible to change your employer and port your PD after the I140 is
- I know that the Complete process of labour ect.. needs to be restarted but
what if the previous I140/labour is revoked by the previous employer (Can
the previous employer do that ?)
- Can the above be done when the person is on their 8th year H1 extenstion?

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07-15 10:30 AM

"and the alien must have intended to undertake the employment, upon adjustment"

That is the line that is the big caveat in this question. You must demonstrate to the adjudicating officer(to his/her satisfaction) that you plan to go back to your petitioning employer once your green card is approved. Either that or you invoke the AC21 statute by fulfilling those requirements.
This answer was speaking to that point.

A withdrawn 140 is a bad news on either front. Especially when it happens with the future intent clause, then how can you say you and the employer still have intent. It won't fly with the adjudicator.
With the AC21, if the 180 days has passed then 140 withdrawal often still does lead to RFE and sometimes outright denial but the MTR and appeal process can be successful on the grounds of AC21 portability rules. There are people on this forum with such experiences. Try searching for it.

Once again, this is a delicate situation and the poster is best served with good legal counsel. We are all of course giving our best layman interpretations here.


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01-17 03:02 PM
Started to contribute $20 monthly.
Already contributed $200 earlier

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12-13 12:09 PM
Let's give them some time. It may be a topic that require some research, information-gathering. This is an entirely new strategy we are discussing, no surprise if they don't get back with an immediate answer. I'm sure they are analyzing the idea.

I am sure that the IV core has already explored this option. We need some kind of feedback from them.

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07-16 11:51 PM
I sent an email to Roy Beck - Founder of NumbersUSA about the false information that they present via the fax. I am expecting some reply.
This is email that I sent..........


Hi Roy,

I am Satish. I am one of many immigrant workers working in USA. Recently, I came across website and their propaganda. I respect your service to this country and your steps towards propagating your agenda to the congress. However, when I came across the following fax content intended to faxed to the members of congress from, I was completely shocked to see the points mentioned in the webfax. Let me give my insight on this.

The fax content is as follows

Dear [This fax will go to Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative ]

I oppose any increase in the annual H-1B visa cap, including those in the SKIL Act. I am counting on you to oppose it.

Here are just a few reasons why I hope you will oppose the SKIL Act:

(1) The six-year visas allow foreign workers to bring in their families, and guarantee thousands of anchor babies.

(2) H-1B salaries are tax-exempt - no FICA, no federal or state income taxes. They can live at the same level as tax-paying Americans at a lower cost. Therefore, Congress allows foreigners to "low-ball" American workers.

(3) H-1Bs can leave the job they came to fill and seek other jobs, not necessarily in the "hard to fill" category.

(4) Most H-1Bs are of a "protected" ethnic group, so H-1Bs have an affirmative action preference when competing with Americans for the same jobs.

The result of the SKIL Act would be to further depress the wages of Americans working in high-tech and scientific fields and to cause additional job displacement for those workers.

Sincerely, [Your Name Will Appear Here]

My view on the above points.

1) This is true that foreign workers bring their families. However, I reject the word "guarantee" used in the later part of the sentence. Let me further elaborate on this. When a H1B worker first arrives on the American soil, the worker's spouse and children if any, are on H4 visa. For your information, these dependents of foreign workers are on H4 visa, which is a highly restrictive visa. This visa does not guarantee a social security to women and children. By social security, I mean lot more than just a social security number. In some states, this results in inability to even drive and be completely dependent. Some of H4 people that I know are highly skilled such as Phds, Doctors, MBAs, etc.
2) This is most shocking of all the points. I would love to know the source of this information. I am a H1B worker for last 4+ years. I have paid all my taxes including federal, state taxes, social security taxes, Medicare, FICA, etc. This is not voluntary deduction. All my employers were mandated to deduct just as any American citizen. I would love to debate this with you and NumbersUSA reps, because I have facts and documents to prove this. In fact, Most of H1Bs pay FICA tax, which we simply cannot get after retirement (in this case mostly 6 years on H1B). I would encourage you and NumbersUSA to contact reputed IRS expert to get more information on this. In case you don't get this information. I would be more than happy to meet you in NumbersUSA office along my documents. If some person or employer does not pay taxes being on H1B, that person is treated as tax fraudster, whom I am sure IRS handles very effectively.
3) This is also not true. In my case I had to post my labor on job bulletin board (place where I had to work) for atleast 2-3 weeks with my skills, designation and salary offered. In case if any US citizen interested in this posting, he had an open opportunity to contact my employer about his interest in the job. By the way, salaries of thousands of H1B workers are on par with that of US citizens. Given a chance, I am sure that I can prove that I am better in all aspects of IT programming than some of the best on U.S. citizens. This promotes competitiveness.
4) I would love to have actual source of this information. I know many US registered organizations that hire H1B foreign workers, who worked with fellow U.S citizens without any problems. As far as my knowledge is concerned, most of these employers are "Equal Opportunity Employers".

Roy, America is a unique country that is built on immigrants. This is probably one of the reason why America is amazing in providing civil liberties to all people irrespective of caste, color and race. Also, America has such an immense talent in every field, which makes it a leader in this competitive world.

I certainly welcome yours and NumbersUSA perspective on this email.

Both of us strive to make America more strong and competitive.


"It is the theory that decides what we can observe."
Albert Einstein

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11-12 03:26 PM

So are we having a conference call or have we decided that we should individually write letter that has already been drafted.

Contact your congressman and use the draft to help get clarrification/resolution. If they cannot help resolve, but can get an appointment with a higher official then one of us can go meet them. Some of us are willing to fly/drive.. at our own expense to meet the official.

I know atleast 3 members including me who would be meeting lawmakers of our respective constituencies. When we meet the lawmakers we plan to discuss about our provisions in the CIR(Recapture, country cap,...) and then in the interim we would request them to help us resolve the quarterly spillover.

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02-05 05:46 PM
Hello All,

Congressman Ferguson has agreed to meet at 4:30pm this Friday, February 9th, 2007 in his district office. The address is:

45 Mountain Blvd.
Building D, Suite 1
Warren, NJ 07059

Let me know who all can make it. I think I can accomodate 3 more. I have to check the fax I sent him.


03-09 10:36 PM
:) You will have to fight the Reliance Freshs and subhikshas etc as competitors on that grocery store.

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02-13 01:11 PM
I also think congressman for Bergen County belongs to the target green category. Anyone from Bergen County, NJ to arrage a meet with congressman (some congressman tends to entertain the meeting request from person who belongs to his/her constituency).


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