Wednesday 6 May 2009

How about them Yankees?!

How about those New York Yankees! Could they mess up having a brand new ballpark any more than they already have? First they tell fans a game is rained out, when infact it wasn't. Then refuse to let them re-enter when the game begins. Class. Then they refuse to let Paul O'Niel (a World Champion Yankee) watch batting practice. Class. Then they tell their hard working die hard fans, who take rapid transit to the park straight from work, that they can't bring their lap-top cases into the park....but they can store them across the street for an additional $5. Whoever is the New York Yankmes PR guy needs to be given a refresher course, then fired. They've become the blackest eye in a league filled with blackeyes. You stay classy New York Yankmes.

Did I mention, I miss the Kentucky Derby?

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